
Why do you need a Coach? – Q & A

Why Coaching

Nowadays, coaching seems to be a trend that almost everyone calls herself/himself and starts doing without any background, coaching practice, or certification.

There are many ‘schools’ and many ‘programs,’ some with uncertain outcomes, so do be careful about what resonates with you.

  1. Is a Coach a kind of psychologist?
    No, I’m afraid not. A Coach is a person that facilitates a client to achieve his/her goals with a plan centered on the present and future, with concrete action steps, not in a therapeutic context.
  2. What should a Coach have? What studies are necessary?
    As I said before, be careful with whom you choose; nevertheless, I find that a certified coach, for example, by ICF – International Coach Federation, surely is someone with high knowledge. This professional was tested to achieve the certification and complies with the code of conduct, such as ethics, privacy, and many more critical values.
  3. Does Coaching apply only to Human Resources in a company?
    Not at all; it is transversal to all companies and delivers results across all teams of every department. Everyone can and will widely benefit from this process by implementing productivity, awareness, well-being, and a feeling of belonging – these are just some examples.
  4. Will I have short-term benefits or long-term benefits?
    Coaching is a process that is centered on a goal and the action steps to achieve it; having that in mind, you can profit from day until the end of your life – it always depends on how far you want to go.

These are just a few questions that may arise in your mind, so I challenge you, if you dare – of course -, to comment or send me your questions.

“Coaching is being at service with awareness.” ~ Pedro Pinto

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