Boss or Leader

Probably you think that these two words are the same: are they?

I compare being a boss to a “bad ruler,” whereas a Leader doesn’t need to “rule”; he just has the charisma and capability to listen and get what he wants.

Did it spike your curiosity? I’m sure it did.

Imagine yourself in a meeting room with your managers, this is just an example, and you start shouting about why things aren’t done; you say that things have to be done, and people nod at you agreeing or reply that they didn’t have the time.

Now imagine yourself in the same situation, but now you ask why several things haven’t been done, you listen to the reasons of each person, and you confidently talk, without shouting, and establish an agreement with them a date to have that report on your email – for instance.

Can you see the difference?

In the second example, you are listening to the person; you are engaging with him/her, hearing the reasons, but making sure that you’ll get things done with a deadline; the person can even give his/her word that s/he will have it done by then.

This seems so natural, but most people that are your higher positions don’t have the awareness, the calm, and the self-control to listen, engage, and in the end, promote a healthy environment to work.

People aren’t machines; people like to have someone who listens to them, and as you see, that is pivotal as you are acting (as in action) and not reacting. You are in a place of peace, and everyone perceives that.

I’m sure you can relate to these words and would like to change how you deal with things. You can do it! – You just need to practice step by step.

“Less is more” – this Mies Van Der Rohe quote applies perfectly here.

Allow yourself to change, improving yourself and the people’s environment, and you’ll be surprised by the changes.

What are you waiting for?

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